
Love is a Choice

By Clarissa Enos Plagmann It has been 147 days since I started dating my wonderful husband, 109 days since I said yes to marrying him, and ten days since I said yes at the altar and forever altered my life by agreeing to love him for the rest of my life and into the eternities. It wasn't exactly an easy decision. After all, we moved quickly. I was hearing murmurs from people on both sides of the spectrum. Some were saying we were moving too quickly, others were congratulating us on knowing what was right. And in the back of my mind I wondered if I'd gone insane. But then I heard these four words: "Fear is a choice!" Those four words helped me to realize that those doubts I had were out of fear. Fear that it wouldn't work out, fear that I didn't really love him, fear that for whatever reason we'd fall out of love. It was then that I decided to substitute "Fear" for "Love." "Love is a choice!" It is! The chemic...

My First Kiss

Love. That strange magic everyone always talks about. The kind of magic people actually believe in, rather than magical... magic... Ahem... Anyway, I'm not sure if I've ever been in love. However, recently I was discussing my writing habits with a new friend. My mom and my aunt both write romance almost exclusively so I've grown up around romance books. I never thought I'd be any good at it, because I've never been in love. But I've always wanted to try my hand at it. I've always thought I had a romance or two in me, but I just didn't feel qualified to write it,  you know? Well, this friend told me to go for it, so I thought I'd kick myself off by writing about my first love/kiss. I wouldn't say it was love. We were really good friends. I really liked him. I think I could have grown to love him, given time. We met the summer following my first official year of college, my second if you count the first unofficial year: Summer 2012. The f...

Of Mexico, Utah, Oregon, and Writing

Life. Life has been so crazy and awesome and wonderful! I don't remember all of what I have said in past posts recently so I'll just give you a quick rundown of all that has happened to me in the last six months. Mexico. Mexico was so amazing! I absolutely loved it! My group was great and our kids were so cute. I can't wait to go back and visit Guanajuato state and see all my friends and the kids we used to teach! Oregon. I got back from Mexico on August 20th. I had a job interview on August 22nd. I heard back that I got the job August 23rd. I also flew out to Oregon on August 23rd, to see my family and drive back to Utah with my cousin. While I was there I cut my hair, saw some old friends, and just hung out with my family for a few days. We drove back to Utah on August 27th-28th with her best friend. It was a good trip. Utah. I started working August 29th. I love my job, and Utah is amazing. I learned to use the trax and buses. Writing. Well, I think that...

10 Books I Want to Read Before I'm 30

By Claire Enos In honor of being 24 and turning 25 this year, I decided to write a: "10 Books I Want to Read Before I'm 30" post. These are books that either I really want to read or that I've been told I should read. If you can think of any other books I should read, let me know!  The Princess Bride - This book made it onto this list because I don't like the movie. I know, that's a weird reason to put a book on my list. And, I know, that's crazy that I don't like The Princess Bride. The reason it's on my list is because my roommate says that the book is better than the movie, and knowing that to be true in most cases, I thought I'd give the book a try. I don't mind the story line after all, it's more about the videography.  Catcher in the Rye - This book is on my list because it's a classic and I never had to read it when I was in high school or even in any of my English classes. I thought I'd give it a try and see wh...

Almost Done!

Well, I'm not sure who even reads this blog, but a friend of mine talked about how he has been avoiding his blog and I realized I haven't written in a while, so I thought I should write something awe-inspiring. However, I'm not that awe-inspiring so I'll probably just update y'all on what I'm doing with my life, or something... Not much has been going on lately. Just school. However, I do have some exciting news- I'm walking next month. I just took some awesome pictures with a friend who is a photographer. Also, end of April or beginning of May I am going to Mexico for the summer. I'll be getting back to the US in August. I'm super excited but really nervous! After that, I'll only have one last class to take here at BYU-Idaho and then I'll be moving to Utah. Honestly, I'm not sure how things will turn out, but I'm excited to see where my life leads. I've made so many amazing life-long friends here at school and I can't wai...

Let's Make 2016 A Year To Remember!

By Claire Enos 2015 has been great, I have done a lot. Other than nine weeks out of the year, I've been in school. However, in 2016 I will be GRADUATING. I'm so excited. And I recently applied to go teach kids English in another country (I'm hoping Mexico). I just applied for my passport, and I'm getting ready to finish paying everything off so I can go. That's why I've decided this year is a year for DREAMS. And FOLLOWING my dreams! So, rather than having a New Year's Resolution, I instead have two or three projects I am working on either by myself or with friends, and I am going to Mexico. Why not live this year! Truly LIVE. So, what are you hoping to accomplish this year? Happy New Year! <3Claire

6 Tips to Less Depression

By Claire Enos Life has a way of tearing you down until you don't think you can take any more, lifting you back up, and then bringing you down farther than before just to bring you up higher than you've ever been. Lately, my life has been a roller coaster ride. This whole year has been one long ride of ups and downs. Despite everything, I try to stay as positive as possible. I've been at my absolute worst and had people come up to me and say I make them smile because I always seem to be so happy. So, how do I do it? Well, sometimes I don't even know how. But, I'll try to share some of my favorite remedies for a happy and positive outlook: Music - Music is one of the best remedies of all time. All it takes is one good uplifting song and suddenly I can't be upset anymore. I just have to keep moving forward and put on a smile. Strange how that works. Amazing Friends - I have an amazing group of friends! Some, I talk to about anything and they always seem to ...