So, I recently posted one of my stories to be edited/critiqued in my ANWA group. So I thought I'd post one of my favorite scenes that I've written. This was for NaNoWriMo 2010. I hope you enjoy it! Rowan, who had walked into the training yard ahead of her, immediately walked over to a bin on the side of the yard and grabbed two staves. He threw one across the yard to her where she caught it. She felt it, as she did every weapon when he handed them to her. She slid her hands along the wood, caressing it. She felt for the knots in the wood and found all the imperfections, which were relatively few, then pulling the wood closer to her face, and rubbing it a long her cheek, feeling the smooth wood. Moving her hands into position on the wood, she started into exercises engrained into her body and brain, as if she’d done them every day of her life. The staff whipped around her body, her body smoothly moving into positions she didn’t remember learning. She slowly got faster and ...