
Showing posts from May, 2011


So, I recently posted one of my stories to be edited/critiqued in my ANWA group. So I thought I'd post one of my favorite scenes that I've written. This was for NaNoWriMo 2010. I hope you enjoy it! Rowan, who had walked into the training yard ahead of her, immediately walked over to a bin on the side of the yard and grabbed two staves. He threw one across the yard to her where she caught it. She felt it, as she did every weapon when he handed them to her. She slid her hands along the wood, caressing it. She felt for the knots in the wood and found all the imperfections, which were relatively few, then pulling the wood closer to her face, and rubbing it a long her cheek, feeling the smooth wood. Moving her hands into position on the wood, she started into exercises engrained into her body and brain, as if she’d done them every day of her life. The staff whipped around her body, her body smoothly moving into positions she didn’t remember learning. She slowly got faster and ...

ANWA and Other Stuff

So, this last thursday I attended my second ANWA meeting. The ladies in the group are truly amazing, and I love every second of the meetings so far. I'm so glad I get to learn from them and maybe teach them a thing or two as well. Having edited stories for my mom and aunt has truly helped me with the grammar and spelling part of writing, but writers don't really need to know these things, they need to know how to write with a fresh voice, how to use POV's, how to show not tell, and so on. I think just about the only thing I'm really good at is describing a scene, I really need to learn how to effectively write dialog. Also, another new thing in the works: Is a new storyline starring a couple angels (not real angels, they're just called angels), a couple mortals with special powers (of course), and a couple weyrwolves (these weyrs can be anything, they're more like shapeshifters than anything else). I will be collaborating with my "twin" and fellow w...

5 Ways to Use the Internet to Share the Gospel

So I was reading this section of the New Era online called "What's Up?" One of the things in this section was a list of five ways you can share the gospel online. Since I'm online so often I figured I might as well do this. Here is the list: 5 Ways to Use the Internet to Share the Gospel • Post a Mormon Message video on your social media profile. Just click Share at the Mormon Channel on YouTube. • Write about faith-building experiences on your blog. • Share links to or your favorite conference talk on your blog, website, or social media profile. • Post pictures from missions, weddings, baptisms, Mutual activities, etc. • Create a profile on So I'm going to start posting some good articles about different aspects of the church on my blog as well as talking about important things that happen in my life. Stay tuned for more article goodness! I figure I might as well start now, so here goes: I have this problem with spending all my...