Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Premiere

Been a while since I last posted and I remembered I never did post about Harry Potter 7 Part 2!!! OMGsh it was so amazing!!! XD These were taken while we were waiting in line in order to get into the theater!!! Megan being funny because she was so freaking excited to be going to the midnight premiere for her birthday! Our tickets, a poster board we saw in line, and the packed theater! Megan and I in our seats waiting for the movie to start! The opening sequence! Ooh the words are getting bigger and bigger! SO excited!!! XD Sign outside the stadium that Megan decided to take a picture of! Harry Potter was AMAZING! Megan kicking Bellatrix Lestrange (the resultant impact made the picture blurry XD), Megan thought Neville was awesome lol, Megan punching Snape in the face for all the stuff he put Harry through haha, I thought Hermione was great so of course I had to get a picture with her XD "Snape, you're dead!!!" Megan says, meanwhile,...