
Showing posts from March, 2013

Of Late Blog Posts and Finals

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I forgot to post yesterday! I remember thinking I need to write a blog post, but I've been so busy with... [Read More]

Blogging, Blogging, Homework, and More Blogging

I just noticed I haven't posted in a while. I thought I should write a post, and make up for it. Oh wait... I hope I didn't miss posting on ANWA Founder and Friends... *shrug* oh well, I'll check that one in a second. So, what I thought I'd write about today is.... Drum roll please! *drum roll* *Absolute Silence* Blogging! I noticed recently that a lot of my friends and family members have been asking me about it. They've been thinking about starting ones of their own. Well, I thought I'd write something up about it. However, I won't post it quite yet. I want to perfect a few things and... *ahem* write it... So! If you are wondering about blogging, I will be posting something about it pretty soon! Maybe I'll do a series on it... I haven't quite decided yet. So keep an eye out for that. But just so you know, it might not show up for a few weeks. Finals are in less than a month, so I'm really busy. Maybe once I'm home! Good luck! ...

Write What's Hard

I've been learning a lot this semester in my Creative Non-fiction class... [Read More]