10 Books I Want to Read Before I'm 30
By Claire Enos In honor of being 24 and turning 25 this year, I decided to write a: "10 Books I Want to Read Before I'm 30" post. These are books that either I really want to read or that I've been told I should read. If you can think of any other books I should read, let me know! The Princess Bride - This book made it onto this list because I don't like the movie. I know, that's a weird reason to put a book on my list. And, I know, that's crazy that I don't like The Princess Bride. The reason it's on my list is because my roommate says that the book is better than the movie, and knowing that to be true in most cases, I thought I'd give the book a try. I don't mind the story line after all, it's more about the videography. Catcher in the Rye - This book is on my list because it's a classic and I never had to read it when I was in high school or even in any of my English classes. I thought I'd give it a try and see wh...