Nothing is so completely depressing, at least in this point in my life, as when my best friend and roommate asks me, "Where did that lid to my pan go to?" And I'm like, "I have absolutely no idea, I do not recall there ever being a lid." Ever since she left me to take care of her stuff and use them, I've been stressing about not losing her stuff and not breaking anything, because I would have no idea how to tell her what happened. I know she'd want the truth, but I just hate that feeling. I've tried to be really careful and not lose anything or hurt anything, but some things have slipped through the cracks with all my stressing out, and now that she's back and has been going through all her stuff, she finds things missing and she keeps asking me how it happened. The honest answer is I have no idea. I wish I did, but I don't. If I could afford to, I'd replace everything I lost, but of course I'm a poor college student. The s...