
Showing posts from January, 2013

The Life of a College Student-- In Other Words... Lessons Learned in College

I almost completely forgot today was my day to post! I'm half asleep right now... [Read More]


Well, I've been sick since Monday. Though I only missed one class, on Monday. I've been going to classes, but only because I felt well enough. Started with the flu on Monday, and it slowly worked toward losing my voice and having a huge headache today. I still ache a little bit and my throat hurts but I'll get over it. I hope you are all feeling better than I am! Have a good weekend! <3Claire PS: I've decided daily posts might have been a little overly crazy right now, so instead I am going to cut back to at least once a week. Once I have that down I'll slowly work up. As long as I post regularly. Love you all! <3


Sorry I've been so horrible at posting the last couple days. I had a funeral to attend, then friends over all day Sunday, and then I got sick today and on top of that the power and the internet went out. The power was out until 10:30 and the internet was out until an hour ago or so. I will try to get back on track tomorrow. <3Claire

And Thus, Another Semester Has Begun...

Today has been pretty crazy for me... [Read More]

That Feeling...

What about that feeling? You know it. The one where you wish for something you can't have, and it hurts because you can feel the fierce wanting, but you also feel something pushing you away. Usually it's your mind telling you it's not gonna happen. Other times it just feels like your heart is ripping apart inside you, and you know that if you don't have it you're gonna die. Or at least you wish you would, or that something would happen to make you forget it at all, or that somehow the want would suddenly become a reality. Because either way would be better than feeling that heart ripping sensation for days, weeks, months, or even years. This feeling comes when I'm just browsing the internet, listening to music, and certain songs come up. Or when I'm at the store and I see little kids with their parents, especially babies. It comes when I least expect it, sneaking up on me. It comes when I'm looking at pictures of my friends, happily married or engaged....


This weekend I will be gone. So my Saturday post might come a bit late, unless I scheduled a post and totally forgot about it. I will try to get one done sometime Saturday night though. I am attending my Great-Grandma May's Funeral and Viewings this weekend. This will be Friday and Saturday. Anyway, I'll post again later this weekend. <3Claire


Nothing is so completely depressing, at least in this point in my life, as when my best friend and roommate asks me, "Where did that lid to my pan go to?" And I'm like, "I have absolutely no idea, I do not recall there ever being a lid." Ever since she left me to take care of her stuff and use them, I've been stressing about not losing her stuff and not breaking anything,  because I would have no idea how to tell her what happened. I know she'd want the truth, but I just hate that feeling. I've tried to be really careful and not lose anything or hurt anything, but some things have slipped through the cracks with all my stressing out, and now that she's back and has been going through all her stuff, she finds things missing and she keeps asking me how it happened. The honest answer is I have no idea. I wish I did, but I don't. If I could afford to, I'd replace everything I lost, but of course I'm a poor college student. The s...

Something About Me Few People Know #4

Few people know that I actively search out zodiac personalities and compare them with my friend's zodiacs. I find it really interesting. I'll even check mine against the zodiacs of guys I like. For example, I'm supposed to get along really well with guys who are from Gemini, and it's not all surprising that my Leo friends and I get along. I am a Libra, and I follow zodiac blogs, paying attention to stuff posted about Libras, Geminis, and Leos. Even though I don't really believe it, it's still a fun little pastime of mine! Love, <3Claire

Semester of Writing

So, this semester I decided to take 4 English classes, which isn't all that amazing considering I'm an English Major. Every single last one of my classes requires writing, and I'm required to spend at least 2 hours on each class doing homework for every 1 hour spent in class. Obviously homework isn't going to take up all that time for the classes, so we're required to spend the rest of the time writing. This includes my Family History Research class, but at least for that one I can work on my final project instead. Since I'll be spending so much time writing, I probably won't be able to put as much thought into my blog posts as usual, but I will try. Some days I might decide to get off topic for that day, but for the most part I'll stick with my schedule. Hopefully you will all stick with me through that! I shall keep you updated. Love you all, <3Claire

Something About Me Few People Know #3

It's getting harder and harder to think of things few people know about me, but I'll try my hand at it for the whole month. I guess a lot of people know this one, but not even half the people I know, so I'll count this one. I love Tinkerbell. She's gotta be my favorite Disney character in the world. I have 5 cups of different kinds with her on them, and a puzzle with her on it. I hope to eventually collect more Tinkerbell stuff. So, that's an interesting fact about me anyway. Watch out for my next installment of things few people know about me on Wednesday. Love to all of you! <3Claire

Love at Home

Today in Fast and Testimony meeting my Bishop talked to us before he turned the mic over for testimonies. He read the lyrics to this song and replaced all the mentions of "home" with "in our apartment". I thought that was really awesome, so I decided to post it for all of you as well. Keep this thought in your hearts, and remember this when times get hard. Maybe the problem isn't that you suddenly have all these trials, but that you aren't being loving enough to your roommates and/or family members. I love you all! Have a great week! <3Claire

A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches Deborah Harkness Pros: Good character development and story progression. I love the main character and by the end of the book I genuinely cared about the characters and what was going to happen next. Cons: There were one or two scenes in this book which would make me less likely to recommend this book to certain friends. I also hated the cliffhanger at the end, but I can live with that. Some scenes seemed to me to be a bit far-fetched, but that again is something I can live with. It is really thick, but that's normal for fiction. Overall: I'd definitely recommend it to my friends (well, most of them) and I'd have to give it 3.5 stars. Only because of the few cons I mentioned above. If you love fiction, romance, adventure, action, characters you can believe in, and a good storyline that involves a witch and a vampire, this book is perfect for you! <3Claire

Update/Snapshot Post

New post on A Snapshot of my Life! Here Update: I am now in Rexburg up at college. Thursday consisted of travelling; Taco Time and Nielsen's Custard with Hannah, and Forever Strong. Today consisted of shopping; unpacking; Crime of Fashion; Hello Sister, Goodbye Life; and Sorority Wars. Tomorrow I will be finding my classes and maybe looking at textbooks. Sunday Megan gets here! And Monday classes start!!!! SO excited!! <3Claire

Line upon Line

"Line upon line and precept upon precept, gradually and almost imperceptibly, our motives, our thoughts, our words, and our deeds become aligned with the will of God. Conversion unto the Lord requires both persistence and patience." -- David A. Bednar "Converted unto the Lord"  How many of you have heard of the musical Saturday's Warriors? I grew up on the music from this musical and every time I hear the words "Line upon Line" I automatically start singing that song in my head. Here is a video of the song, in case any of you haven't heard it: Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking about some really big decisions in my life, and this is something I try to keep in mind. Anyway, today I'm flying back up to school. I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll bring you an update tomorrow! Love, <3Claire

Something About Me Few People Know #2

Something about me few people know... is that English/Reading (other than spelling) was my worst subject in Elementary school. My best subjects were Math and Science. See how well that went? Science and Math got hard, and English/Reading got easier. I was average for my age in Reading until 2nd grade when my Reading Level shot up to a 6th grade level when I started reading Novels for the first time. Ever since, my  grades have just gotten better. So, you see? Our strengths do change a lot as kids, which is important to remember! <3Claire

Write On...

After all these years, I've learned a lot about writing, but not nearly as much as I want to learn. I'm an English major, and I've taken classes that taught me a lot, but until I reached College and started taking college level courses I didn't learn anything that was useful to me. This last semester I took Creative Writing. It was very useful to my writing, and I continue working on my writing. So, what I really want to say is never give up, keep learning, the more you learn the better you get, and the better you get the better your chances. So write on friends! Write on... <3Claire

New Year's Resolutions 2013

This year, I'm doing things a little differently. I'm not going to measure myself on how well I do each individual thing on my list, I'll measure myself based on how much improvement I'm making. Mom talked me through making my resolutions more effective, so here goes: Healthier Lifestyle Physical Exercise Go to at least one dance (Swing or Latin) each week Try a yoga class Healthy Eating Plan meals ahead of time Cut out most of my sugar and soda Better Spirituality Study my scriptures for at least 5 minutes a day Pray morning and night Pray over meals Pray and Fast about a mission Attend all church meetings unless I can't get out of bed, and spend more time magnifying my calling Focus on Me Self-Esteem Don't worry about what others think Grades No C's or D's Grades are important, focus on school work and get it all done Grades come first, the rest comes after Writing Get a full manuscript written down Spend half...