Happy New Year's!

By Claire Enos I will admit, I haven't been very regular with my blog posts. I tend to write whenever I think about it or feel like it. If I'm going to be a good blogger I need to make a regular schedule and stick to it. So, here is my New Year's Resolution (which I've made before, but this time I swear it's going to work): Write and post a blog post every week for Winter semester. Winter semester is January 5th-April 10th. So, that's 14 blog posts. I can totally do this. Write at least 500 words a day for a whole month. This is more of short-term goal (okay, so is number 1, but this one is shorter). I am trying to get in the habit of writing every day. If I want to be a serious writer, I need to do this. So, in keeping with the writing theme and my quote above, this one is about reading. Stephen King says a writer needs to read a lot, so for this one my goal is to read at least one book a month while I'm in school, and one book a week while I'...