Thus Begins the Summer Musings
By Claire Enos
It's 9/11 again. Never again will that date trigger absolutely nothing, not since that date 12 years ago, when those terrorists attacked our land and brought the death and destruction to us. But I didn't sit down here today in order to write yet another post about 9/11 and how sad it is, and how proud I am to be an American. Nor did I sit down to write about countless other things I could most definitely write full blogs on, such as this article on humor and anti-mormon jokes, or Obama and Syria, or even racism in general and this video. No, today I sat down to write something that is important in my life right now. So, as I sit down I meditate on how I may find the right words to express those feelings that impress me most about my summer and what I learned is most important to me at this point in my life. I pray to God that I may touch at least one heart with what I have to say.
If there is one thing I have learned this summer, it's that no one can judge another. There is always going to be something held back, something that everyone outside a situation wouldn't know because it has been hidden. A lot has happened this summer, to me and to those I care about. I've begun to notice that it is the habit of many to automatically judge based on what is generally known, rather than just accept what has happened and forget about it. Maybe it's the way we have been raised.
We are all trying to be like God, and God is the ultimate judge. But what we must all realize in time is that God knows all, that is what makes him able to judge our lives and actions. We do not know all, in fact we know next to nothing compared to him. We came down here to learn, not to judge what others are doing with their lives but to judge for ourselves what is right and what is wrong and learn from our mistakes.
It is all too easy to see the hurt a friend is going through and automatically assume that all the blame must belong on someone else's shoulders. I've seen this personally. I've seen people close to me judge others who mean the world to me, just because of some things I have said about them while I was angry. If those words said out of anger were all there was to that person, do you think I would continue to talk to them? No, I would have dumped them as friends long ago, because they wouldn't be worth my time and energy.
So then they wonder why I stay with this so-called friend, and they tell me that it's stupid, because obviously they are right. However, if I told any other friend what you are now saying, they could tell me the same thing: "Why am I sticking with you, when you obviously don't care about my feelings, or trust me to make my own decisions?" And you know what I would like to tell them? I would like to say: "Because they are amazing children of God. They are beautiful/handsome, they are clever and smart, they say what's on their mind, they trust me and I trust them, I enjoy being around them, and I have many fond memories with them. That is why. If you have a problem with that, get over it, because I'm not changing my mind." But instead I turn all bashful and stop speaking my mind, or I quickly change the subject to avoid an argument.

No more. I am sick of hiding my thoughts and feelings. I am sick of hiding myself in order to "fit in". If I lose a few friends because I am finally being truthful to myself and those around me, then so be it. But if you are ready to hear what I really think, stick around. You may just find you like the new me as well.
Until next time, read that article I linked in the first paragraph, and watch that video as well. I may indeed post something about them later on this month.

If there is one thing I have learned this summer, it's that no one can judge another. There is always going to be something held back, something that everyone outside a situation wouldn't know because it has been hidden. A lot has happened this summer, to me and to those I care about. I've begun to notice that it is the habit of many to automatically judge based on what is generally known, rather than just accept what has happened and forget about it. Maybe it's the way we have been raised.
We are all trying to be like God, and God is the ultimate judge. But what we must all realize in time is that God knows all, that is what makes him able to judge our lives and actions. We do not know all, in fact we know next to nothing compared to him. We came down here to learn, not to judge what others are doing with their lives but to judge for ourselves what is right and what is wrong and learn from our mistakes.
It is all too easy to see the hurt a friend is going through and automatically assume that all the blame must belong on someone else's shoulders. I've seen this personally. I've seen people close to me judge others who mean the world to me, just because of some things I have said about them while I was angry. If those words said out of anger were all there was to that person, do you think I would continue to talk to them? No, I would have dumped them as friends long ago, because they wouldn't be worth my time and energy.
So then they wonder why I stay with this so-called friend, and they tell me that it's stupid, because obviously they are right. However, if I told any other friend what you are now saying, they could tell me the same thing: "Why am I sticking with you, when you obviously don't care about my feelings, or trust me to make my own decisions?" And you know what I would like to tell them? I would like to say: "Because they are amazing children of God. They are beautiful/handsome, they are clever and smart, they say what's on their mind, they trust me and I trust them, I enjoy being around them, and I have many fond memories with them. That is why. If you have a problem with that, get over it, because I'm not changing my mind." But instead I turn all bashful and stop speaking my mind, or I quickly change the subject to avoid an argument.

No more. I am sick of hiding my thoughts and feelings. I am sick of hiding myself in order to "fit in". If I lose a few friends because I am finally being truthful to myself and those around me, then so be it. But if you are ready to hear what I really think, stick around. You may just find you like the new me as well.
Until next time, read that article I linked in the first paragraph, and watch that video as well. I may indeed post something about them later on this month.
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