Agency and Faith Without Works

By Claire Enos

I'm tired of people judging me because of the things I choose not to do. Things like not watching rated R movies, and not wearing that gorgeous white lace dress (not the one in my closet) because it doesn't cover my shoulders and probably won't cover my knees either, and even not drinking tea or coffee. These are standards I've grown up with, they are things I was taught at home and at church. However, I'm not forced to follow them. I can choose.

See, in my church, we believe in agency. We believe we have the right to choose for ourselves what is right and what is wrong from the age of accountability (8) when we are baptized as members of our church. When we are eight, and are baptized as members, we make a covenant with God that we will follow the commandments and take his name upon us. That we will go forth as disciples and bring others to His light. We make a covenant that we will follow these standards so that we can one day be sealed to our Eternal Companion in the house of the Lord: the Temple, and then make it to the Celestial Kingdom to live with God as His children.

However, as always, we have a choice to make. Every time we are faced with the choice to either break this covenant or keep it. Every time I am faced with the choice to either drink the coffee offered to me, or refuse it, I am actually facing the choice to either keep my covenant or not. In my mind, the choice is easy: keep the covenant, refuse the coffee. However, sometimes it's not so easy. We're all here to learn and to grow. We all make mistakes, including me. I have worn dresses too short for me, and I've worn tank tops. And I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find other covenants I've broken. But, the beauty of it is: God believes in forgiveness. He wants each and every one of us to return to Him. So, He sent His Son to die for us so that we might return to Him. If Christ hadn't died on that cross and suffered for our sins, we wouldn't have a chance. If we sin, we have the chance to go to God with a sincere heart and contrite spirit and plead for a second chance. And, if we are truly repentent, He will give us a second chance.

Some say all you need is faith to make it to Him. Yes, we believe in faith. We do believe it's important. But just as important is works. Faith without works is dead. Faith without works is Dead. Yes I did just say that, because it's true. If you have faith but you aren't willing to follow His commandments, what are you really saying to Him? That you don't care? That the Eternities with Him isn't worth following His commandments?

That is why I keep my covenants. It's why I choose every single day to keep not only the covenants we all make as we are baptized and go through the temple, but also my own personal little covenants with God. It is my daily motivation as I go throughout my day and am faced with decisions to either keep my covenants or not keep them. God always keeps His end, He's perfect. I am not perfect, the least I can do is keep them.

So, how do you keep your daily promises, commitments, and covenants to others and God? Comment below or on my facebook post.



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