
Showing posts from July, 2013

Random Act of Kindness

You ever hear of doing a "Random Act of Kindness"? I've heard of it, but as far as I know, I've never actually done one. Yesterday, however, a random person in my apartment complex did one for me. It started to snow while I was in class, and so when I got outside it was snowing pretty hard. I walked home but by the time I got home I was soaked through, my hands were red, I was wearing my only jeans, and my glasses were fogged up and soaked. I had to take my glasses off to see at all, and my vision definitely isn't the best. Chelsey was in the office when I got into the building, and when I mentioned I was wearing my only jeans she told me to grab some extra quarters to dry them. So I grabbed some quarters and headed upstairs to my apartment so I could change out of my clothes (by then I was shivering) and put a load of laundry in the washers. I had to borrow some pajama pants from my roommate and best friend, Meg. Once I was done changing, I put a load in the ...

Maturity vs "maturity"

What is maturity? From what I've seen, the world thinks of anyone who is mature as being boring. Well, who WANTS to be called boring. After all, we all like to think we are interesting and fun to be around, generally. I certainly don't like being called boring. So, I decided to look up the word in the dictionary: Mature:  Complete   in   natural   growth   or   development,   as   plant   and   animal   forms:   a   mature   rose   bush. Ripe, as frut, or fully aged, as chees or wine. Fully developed in body or mind, as a person: a mature woman. Pertaining to or characteristic of full development: a mature appearance; fruit with a mature softness. Completed, perfected, or elaborated in full by the mind: mature plans. Hey, wait a minute! I'm not a fruit! And I'm not fully developed. Last I checked, I have a couple more years until my brain has fully matured, and even then I'm still adding more and mo...

Confession Time!

I have a confession, and many of you already know, but many of you don't: I'm not perfect. I'm not some little Mormon girl who just follows all the rules perfectly and without complaint. If I allowed myself, I'd wear quite a few immodest outfits, and as it is my clothes are right on the border. In fact, I've been told as much before. That is one weakness I'm not ashamed to admit. I have another confession: I don't believe that reading into other religions is horrible. In fact, I do so for fun! I've often believed that if I weren't Mormon, I would definitely be either Buddhist or Wiccan (not necessarily in that order). I believe that many of their guidelines on life and the world around us go right alongside my own beliefs. In fact, I research their practices and beliefs and test them out once in a while, just for fun. Yet another confession: I actually follow horoscopes. Not because I believe they are true, but because they are fun and interestin...

Follow Your Heart

Something so simple, yet simply profound. Follow your heart. I mean, how deliciously simple can it get?! All these years I've been agonizing over decisions I shouldn't have worried about. I worried because of remarks from friends and family which made me feel inferior, like I couldn't take care of myself. These decisions mostly involved affairs of the heart, college, and my future. Sure, some of the advice I received I kind of wish I'd listened to, but if I had I wouldn't have learned such a valuable lesson. The last two or three months have been one gigantic learning curve for me, and although it sometimes hurts to think about, I'm glad I had the experience. When my uncle said all that mattered is that I follow my heart, that's when I knew where things had gone wrong, and where things were going right. My college degree is right, because I'm following my heart. God wouldn't have given me a love of and a talent for writing if it weren't right...

A Big Thank You!

I started this blog a few years ago to write up my feelings and thoughts on life. Lately I haven't really used it for my feelings or my thoughts or anything. I'm going to try starting that up again, so here goes: I'm a normal girl. I don't know who I am, or where I'm going, except what I've been told. I do know that 2+2=4 (don't ask me why, I don't understand that much) and I do know that the stars we see at night most likely have already died, so essentially we are seeing into the past when we look up into the universe. But that's not much, I know that. And it is our duty to learn as much as possible in this life down here on Earth. Life is hard. Everyone knows that. There are some people who seem to have mastered the art of living ("seem" being the operative term here), and there are others (like me) who barely know how to take one step at a time and somehow seem to mess everything up without thinking (because they aren't thinking...

My Role in the Developing World

For my International Studies class on Developing Worlds we had to write an essay at the end of the semester about our role in the Developing World. I thought I'd post it on here for my friends and family to read. I hope to one day make a difference in the world, especially in Mexico. Mexico is such a great place and it saddens me to think that there are still so many 3rd world problems there that are easily fixed. Maybe one day I'll find my place in the world and figure out how to make a difference in my own way. So, here is my essay. Not the best I've ever written, but certainly not the worst either. My Role in the Developing Worlds             Throughout the course of this class I have learned a great deal about the developing worlds. Before taking this class I didn’t think much about what other countries were like or what problems they faced. In fact, I didn’t think much about other countries at all. During the course of thi...

The Magic of the Written Word

Some say Chick Flicks are overrated, and that they are the supidest things ever. They hold no value in the world, and are nothing but the romantic imaginings of singles who have nothing better to do but to live through the lives of characters in movies. Then of course, there are the girls who enjoy a good chick flick for exactly that same reason. They want to get away from their relationships which are going no where, or from their non-existent relationships. Chick Flicks help them feel better about themselves. I don't agree with either side. They aren't stupid movies, and they aren't just there to escape reality. Because honestly? There's no way you're ever going to forget you're single or your relationship is going nowhere if you are sitting around watching romantic movies all the time. That's like trying to ignore a box of cereal by eating it. So then, what's the value of a chick flick? What's the use? Does it have a purpose? Well, obviously...

When Life Gets You Down

I've been having a really hard time lately, and while it's been one of the worst weeks ever, this summer so far is one of my favorite summers for as long as I can remember. They just keep getting better and better as the years go by. However, this last week has given way to depression and other problems, so I compiled this list of Things I Believe. I thought I'd share it with you, my readers. Thanks for being there for me! What Do I Believe? I believe that everything happens for a reason I believe that I control my destiny I believe that my decisions are mine to make, mistake or not I believe that all people are placed in my path to teach me a lesson, good or bad I believe that sometimes I just need to take a step back, reevaluate, decide whether I'm on the right path, correct or move on based the decision I believe that sometimes what is best for me isn't always the easiest decision to make. But it's still mine to make or ignore, unless others are inv...