Maturity vs "maturity"

What is maturity?

From what I've seen, the world thinks of anyone who is mature as being boring. Well, who WANTS to be called boring. After all, we all like to think we are interesting and fun to be around, generally. I certainly don't like being called boring. So, I decided to look up the word in the dictionary:


  1. Complete in natural growth or development, as plant and animal forms: a mature rose bush.
  2. Ripe, as frut, or fully aged, as chees or wine.
  3. Fully developed in body or mind, as a person: a mature woman.
  4. Pertaining to or characteristic of full development: a mature appearance; fruit with a mature softness.
  5. Completed, perfected, or elaborated in full by the mind: mature plans.
Hey, wait a minute! I'm not a fruit! And I'm not fully developed. Last I checked, I have a couple more years until my brain has fully matured, and even then I'm still adding more and more facts to my mind, right?

So, how did maturing come to be such a bad thing? Is it just our generation? So, I decided to look "maturity" up in the dictionary. Unfortunately it said the same thing, it just added "the state of" to the beginning of the definition.

I couldn't think of anything else to do, so I decided to make up my own definition:

Maturity: The state of being Mature: Acting like a grown up when required by social norms, but knowing when it's fine to goof off and have a good time.

"maturity": The state of being "mature": Being grown up at all times, no matter what the situation. Always boring and dull to be around.

So, what do you think about this? Any ideas? I'd love to hear yours. Comment below!



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