My Role in the Developing World

For my International Studies class on Developing Worlds we had to write an essay at the end of the semester about our role in the Developing World. I thought I'd post it on here for my friends and family to read. I hope to one day make a difference in the world, especially in Mexico. Mexico is such a great place and it saddens me to think that there are still so many 3rd world problems there that are easily fixed. Maybe one day I'll find my place in the world and figure out how to make a difference in my own way. So, here is my essay. Not the best I've ever written, but certainly not the worst either.

My Role in the Developing Worlds
            Throughout the course of this class I have learned a great deal about the developing worlds. Before taking this class I didn’t think much about what other countries were like or what problems they faced. In fact, I didn’t think much about other countries at all. During the course of this class, however, I have learned what problems they face and how those problems can be fixed. I’d like to think that I’ve learned a great deal, but I also know there is much more to learn. In this report I will be talking about my role in the developing worlds, what role The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can play in helping with the Millennium Development Goals, what individual members of the church can do to help with these goals, and what my role is in the global community of people who are working toward developing these goals, including what governments can do in the next five years to help these countries with these goals.
            Usually, when I describe myself I might mention something about my singing and writing. I might also mention my love of reading good books, and being in the great outdoors. With that said, I had no idea what my role in this world was until I started taking this class. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t know. However, I have a much better idea of what I could do to make this world a better place, now that I’ve taken this class and learned so much about what can be done. Making a difference doesn’t necessarily mean doing the big things. Sometimes it’s the small things that gradually add up that make the biggest difference in the world. With that being said, I’ve decided that the best way I can contribute to the world as a whole is by finding out who I am, and contemplating what my strengths and weaknesses are so that I can use them to help the world as a whole. I think that is all anybody can do. We were all given strengths and weaknesses for a reason, why not use them to help other people? So that is what I plan on doing in the next few years, figuring out who I am and using this newfound knowledge to help others.
            The best thing in my life is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My first semester of college I had to write an essay on my culture and how it has helped me to become the person I am today, I chose to focus on the church because that is truly my culture. The church already helps so many, in fact a lot of the service I’ve been a part of has been through the church. I think if the church just keeps doing what they’re doing, and teaches other churches and organizations what we know, that we’ll be doing the best thing possible: following our gospel and bringing it to the world, whether through missionary work or through the aid we give to countries and people. It all helps in the long run, and that is what matters.
            I may not play a huge role in the community as a whole, at this point in time, but I can. Everyone can. We all have our talents and the things we enjoy and know a lot about. I have some really good friends who know a lot about cars and engines. One of them wants to become a medical engineer and develop machinery that will help with the furthering of medicines. Another friend wants to be a mechanic, which is cool because they can help fix cars and keep the world from becoming too littered with “broken” cars. Maybe one day one of my friends will become leaders of worlds, and be able to put some of my ideas into action. Which brings me to my last point: what governments can do in the next 5 years. I think the biggest thing they can do is pay attention to the needs of their people and the world around them. Get out of debt (even if it means being less influential for a while) and then spend more wisely and put whatever money they can toward helping other countries to become independent as well. The more governments work together, the more they will be able to accomplish and that is the biggest thing: making the world a better place for everyone, not just those with money.

            If everyone will just be themselves and become the best they can be, the world will be a better place. After all, we are all God’s children and although we may not always agree with everyone else they are still our brothers and sisters and worthy of our time, effort, and money. We are all being tested while on earth so that we can become Gods and Goddesses ourselves, and we were given our talents and interests so that we could accomplish God’s work. God would want us to help those in need, because they are related to us in an eternal perspective. That is why we should always work on improving ourselves and use our strengths to help others.

Yeah, I got a 100% on this essay. Hope you enjoyed!


PS: What are your thoughts on this subject? What can we do to help those in developing countries? I'd love to hear your input! Especially if you have any clue as to what I'm talking about!


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