Something About Me Few People Know #1

There's this infatuation I have with cultures and beliefs. I don't know what it is about them, but they fascinate me. It's not that my faith in my religion is shaken at all, but I just love learning about other cultures and belief systems. I love finding the truths in them. I know it may seem counter productive to some, but I love being able to spot what truths other religions and belief systems contain and putting them to good use in my own life. Because of this, if you ever see me do something strange, that is why. I'm testing out something that other religions and belief systems do that I found interesting.

One specific religion I love studying is Wicca. I've confessed to a few friends, and now I'm confessing to the rest of you, that if I weren't already a devout Mormon, I'd probably have been Wiccan. They share many of the same beliefs I do. They worship nature. There are a few flaws in their religion, but other than that it is a very good belief system, better than many I've studied in fact.

Some of the things I've tried or want to try that is part of their religion is meditation in order to find yourself. I've been thinking about it for a while and eventually I plan on doing it. Until then I'll just keep researching their beliefs.

What is something about YOU that few people know? I'd love to hear!

Blessed Be!


PS: Maybe this is why I spend so much time writing about witches, magick, and wiccan characters!

In other news, I just posted another blog post on ANWA Founder and Friends. Go check that out! Link in the pages above. Enjoy!


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